Insulation is importent when you have to install the box under cold conditions. If you whant to view the calculated insulating values, this is the place to look.
Danlåg, Danlaag +PE pipes ( Corrugated Ø i. d. 400 mm. ) 1,2 m. in ground.
Expected is thorough on one Computer-program from DTI to Danlaag, DTI is not responsinle for
educated number and curves.
Average of one cold and normaly year.
OBS! + ºC temperatures from ground shell ascribe to air temperature in the middle of boxes.
OBS! + ºC temperatures from water pipes shell ascribe to air temperature in the middle of boxes.

1 = November. 2 = December. 3 = January. 4 = February. 5 = March.
6 = Air temperature in the middle of Boxes.
7 = Ait temperature Outside / Outdoor.
This temperatur is average on 1953 – 1992.